A passion for beauty, cultivated

Alhambra Flower Farm is about flowers and so much more.

We have been growing flowers and vegetables for over a decade and recently decided to take a leap of faith and turn our passion into a business. We originally caught the bug for growing things while living in the United Kingdom, where there seem to be an inordinate number of plant-a-holics! Our neighbors gave us a tour of their amazing yard filled with ornamental bushes, flowers and veg and we thought ‘hey maybe we can grow some of that!’. Armed with a few packets of seed and a bag of peat-free compost, we planted some flowers in the ground and were completely unprepared for the joy we got from seeing the tiny seedlings emerge and grow into amazing plants. We were hooked!

Many moons have passed, and our family now lives in Madison, WI. Our farm is situated in the beautiful, rolling hills of New Glarus where we contend with the alkaline soil and roaming deer, but we absolutely love it all the same.

Our flowers are grown with passion and a care for the environment. We are soil nerds, constantly focused on building soil health and finding ways to make the most of what nature is already providing. We don’t use inorganic soil amendments and sprays. Permaculture, no-till/no-dig, organic, sustainable - these and similar approaches to agriculture all serve as a north star for us as we make decisions about what and how to grow. Wherever possible, we also avoid using plastics.

Wondering where those (comparatively) cheap cut flowers you saw in the grocery store came from? Utah State recently published an article that goes into detail about the state of the industry - click here to read the full article. Some takeaways: Americans buy an estimated 10 million cut flowers every day! Around 80% of all those cut flowers are shipped in from overseas, and they need temperature controlled environments and timely shipping to preserve freshness, not to mention some potent chemicals pre- and post-harvest. Most imported flowers come from large growers and/or wholesalers.

Why buy from farms like ours?

  • You’re buying local and buying from a family-owned small business

  • You’re interested in supporting sustainable growing practices and buying with less environmental impact

  • You want higher quality, larger flowers that’ll last longer

Our farm is small but proud. With your support we’ll be able to bring the joy of locally-sourced, sustainable flowers to more families - Thank you!

If you have any questions for us, please reach out.